Livin’ on a Prayer


Yesterday I had a rather exciting assignment – to photograph Bon Jovi performing for BBC Radio 2! It was all a bit strange as I remember obsessively searching out all of their albums when I was in my teens and then suddenly there I was having to grab Jon and the guys for a photograph!

It’s a Small World

It's a Small World

After yesterdays photowalk I was amazed to find that one of my photos was chosen as the photo of the day on Pixie today. So pleased!

Lacock Abbey

Lacock Abbey

Today was the latest Bath Photowalk. We visited Lacock and it was a great opportunity to capture the Abbey in the snow before it all disappeared.

Postbox in the Snow


With the snow this weekend, I think I’ll end up posting a lot of snow photos over the coming days. This was the first photo I took yesterday and I purposely sought it out – been wanting to do a “postbox in the snow” photo in a while!

Snow Day

Snow Day

SNOW! The girls were so excited and made their first ever snowman. They were rather concerned, however, that he might be a bit cold and proceeded to offer him their hats and gloves!

First Frost


The first frost of the year – quite late I suppose now that I come to think of it. But it sounds like the weather will be making up for it over the weekend – lots of snow is forecast for the coming days.



Ok, one last Harry Potter one (for the moment at least!). This is a scale model of Hogwarts and it really doesn’t do it justice – you really have to see it first hand. There’s a reason that its the last thing you see on the tour, its just EPIC!

Ravenclaw’s Lost Diadem


Another from the Harry Potter studios, this time Ravenclaw’s lost diadem. There was so much detail in every single prop that I could have spent a week looking at it all.

Kneazles Sold Here

Kneazles Sold Here

I may have turned 32 but for my birthday last year I visited the Harry Potter studios. It was amazing!!! I had to stop myself taking photos of all of the little details in order to just take it all in!

Wrought-Iron Rose


I spotted this rose on a photowalk last year, carefully placed on an iron gate. Why it was there I don’t know but it was screaming out to be photographed.